Course leader: Thomas Damgaard Sandahl
Language: English
Graduate school: Faculty of Health
Graduate program: ClinFO
Course fee: 1,200.00 DKK
Status: Course is finished
Semester: Spring 2025
Application deadline: 07/11/2024
Cancellation deadline: 08/12/2024
Course type: Classroom teaching
Start date: 08/01/2025
Administrator: Thilde Møller Risgaard
Mandatory course
The course is mandatory for PhD students enrolled after 1 January 2016
Duplicate course
This is a duplicate course. Please do not sign up for more than one course in ”Responsible Conduct of Research”. If you are available to participate in more than one of the duplicated courses, please indicate in your primary course registration (in the comment box) which course(s) you are also interested in. In case of a duplicate registration, please notice that a full course fee will be charged when reaching the application deadline on all courses.
Preperation prior to the course
The Epigeum Research Integrity online quiz must be completed prior to the course – anticipated time approx. 1 hours. Further information about the course quiz and how to register for the Epigeum Research Integrity online course will be sent out to participants after cancellation deadline.
The course CBP250/62 Responsible Conduct of Research is being offered by the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University, spring 2025.
Aim: To introduce PhD students at Health, Aarhus University to the principles of responsible conduct of research and how to avoid scientific misconduct.
Learning outcomes: By the end of the course, the PhD student will:
- Be familiar with the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity as well as Aarhus University guidelines and Health standards of Responsible Conduct of Research
- Be able to understand and discuss principles of research integrity and responsible conduct of research
- Be able to identify, analyse and discuss cases of scientific misconduct and questionable research practices in the grey zone between misconduct and poor science
- Know where to seek advice concerning responsible conduct of research
Workload: The full workload of the course is expected to be 24 hours.
- Introduction to the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and RCR guidelines at Aarhus University
- Introduction to standards for responsible conduct of research at Health, Aarhus University
- Gain knowledge on how to handle suspected misconduct
- Where to find regulations and instructions concerning data handling and data storage
- Gain knowledge on agreements for authorships
- Reflections on conflicts of interest and fair review processes
- Reflections on dissemination of research results
Language: In English if non-Danish speakers are present, otherwise in Danish.
Instructors: Multiple instructors
Venue: The Conference Centre, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C
Participation in the course is without cost for:
- PhD students, Health Research Year students from Aarhus University
- PhD students enrolled at partner universities of the Nordoc collaboration
- PhD students from other institutions in the open market agreement for PhD courses
Course dates:
- 08 January 2025 08:15 - 12:45
- 15 January 2025 08:15 - 12:45