PhD Course Management
Research year: introduction course
ECTS: 0 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 06/03/2025 Course leader: Jasper Nijkamp Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The course is aimed to kickstart your research year, create a sense of community, and manage expectations. The course is coordinated by associate professor Jasper Nijkamp (IKM), in collaboration with the Selskab for Medicinsk Studenterforskning (SMS) and associate professor Rune Dall Jensen. There is no preparation or homework for students.
GSNS Onboarding programme – workshop: Efficient writing for PhD students
ECTS: 0.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Natural Sciences Start date: 07/03/2025 Course leader: Sututhi Perrananthasivam Status: Course is open for application
Short description
At this course you will practice a number of writing tools that will make your daily writing practice more efficient.
Project Management: A Practitioner’s Approach to the Managerial Process
ECTS: 5 Graduate school: Course collaboration Start date: 10/03/2025 Course leader: Per Svejvig Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this course is to take a practitioners approach to project management focusing on both technical and sociocultural skills.
Bibliotekets ph.d.-kursus for AU Library Arts
ECTS: 1 Graduate school: Faculty of Arts Start date: 11/03/2025 Course leader: Steen Hammershøy Andersen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Advanced Course in Written English - Online
ECTS: 2.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 12/03/2025 Course leader: Morten Pilegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this course is to train the students’ general and disciplinary writing ability to enhance successful disciplinary writing in conformity with contextual/situational, discoursal and genre- and text-type conventions and requirements of written academic English in health sciences.
Introduction to psychiatric epidemiology
ECTS: 3.7 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 17/03/2025 Course leader: Katherine Musliner Status: Course is open for application
Short description
To introduce students to key issues, concepts, and research methods in psychiatric epidemiology. This course will provide an overview of current knowledge in psychiatry based on epidemiological research by highlighting the dynamic interplay of risk factors across the person (biology, psychology), context (family, social, neighbourhood, workplace, society) and time (societal and diagnostic changes across time), and the epidemiological methods used in psychiatric epidemiology.
Evaluating complex interventions in Public Health
ECTS: 2.4 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 19/03/2025 Course leader: Knud Ryom Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this course is to introduce a framework to guide decisions in how to evaluate public health interventions targeted health behaviour. The course will include quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods evaluation designs and system approaches to evaluation. The MRC model for complex interventions in health will form the basis of the course. The course build to some extent on the former course in developing complex interventions in public health. However, this course can also stand-alone.
Artificial intelligence for scientific and academic writing
ECTS: 2.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 20/03/2025 Course leader: Morten Pilegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
This course aims to impart knowledge about and give participants an introduction to and practical experience using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to enhance their scientific and academic writing process.
Artificial intelligence for scientific and academic writing
ECTS: 2.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 21/03/2025 Course leader: Morten Pilegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
This course aims to impart knowledge about and give participants an introduction to and practical experience using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to enhance their scientific and academic writing process.
Forskningstræning modul II Aarhus
ECTS: 0 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 24/03/2025 Course leader: Ole Schmeltz Søgaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Kurset er en overbygning på det tre dages varende grundmodul i forskertræning afholdt af Århus Universitet, og henvender sig til de læger under uddannelse, hvis speciale ikke har et selvstændigt overbygningskursus.
Basic academic and professional English writing for natural sciences and technical sciences
ECTS: 2.5 Graduate school: Course collaboration Start date: 24/03/2025 Course leader: Morten Pilegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this course is to impart knowledge about and give course participants an introduction to academic text production in English within the field of natural sciences and technical sciences, applying textual and discourse strategies and methodologies in accordance with the current conventions of written academic English in natural sciences and technical sciences.
The Cardiovascular Research Tool Box: From lab to clinical trial
ECTS: 2.1 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 24/03/2025 Course leader: Stephan Lange Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the methodologies used across the cardiovascular research disciplines. The course will teach critical aspects of designing, conducting, and interpreting cardiovascular research within basic, epidemiological, and clinical research.
GSNS Onboarding programme – workshop: Research Integrity
ECTS: 0.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Natural Sciences Start date: 24/03/2025 Course leader: Sututhi Perrananthasivam Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this workshop is to provide PhD students with an opportunity to reflect upon research integrity, responsible conduct of research, and freedom of research in relation to their own research. The course will enable them to understand and incorporate issues concerning research planning, data management, publication and communication, authorship and contributorship, collaboration, and conflicts of interests into their own research practices.
Patient reported outcomes (PRO) in clinical research
ECTS: 2.1 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 24/03/2025 Course leader: Annette De Thurah Status: Course is open for application
Short description
PRO data has the potential to measure what matters to patients in their daily life, so PRO assessments are critical aspects of clinical research. Thus, the overall aim of this course is to ensure high quality research based on PRO data, and to introduce the PhD students to the methodology of using PRO in clinical research.
Preparing for Career Transitions
Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 26/03/2025 Course leader: Vibeke Broe Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Half-way in your PhD, you now know what being a PhD student really is about. It is also a turning point where questions such as “what options do I have”, “how can I make the most of my doctoral degree” and “how do I make a sensible choice for my future career “ may start to pop up and cause both excitement and concern. This workshop aims at giving you the tools to answer those questions and to support you in being able to make an informed choice for the next step in your career. In the workshop, you will consider 1. your professional development so far and whether there competences you would like to improve during your part b, and 2. How you can start preparing for the transition by building your network, understanding your options and increasing your awareness of what a “good” job/work life is to you.
Time and Project Management: Risk and Coordinating your daily work with the big picture
ECTS: 1.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 28/03/2025 Course leader: Constance Kampf Status: Course is open for application
Short description
To create a framework for integrating project management tools into work habits for Ph.D. students to help them stay on track or get back on track in the second half of the PhD process. The content includes time to reflect on bottlenecks and scheduling needs related to completing your Ph.D. project on time. In addition, you will be introduced to risk analysis tools and Kanban boards.
Advanced professional writing and editing in English for natural sciences and technical sciences
ECTS: 2.5 Graduate school: Course collaboration Start date: 01/04/2025 Course leader: Morten Pilegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this course is to train the students’ general and disciplinary writing ability to enhance successful disciplinary writing and editing in conformity with contextual/situational, discoursal and genre- and text-type conventions and requirements of written academic English in natural sciences and technical sciences.
Qualitative Research: Phenomenology
ECTS: 2 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 01/04/2025 Course leader: Sanne Angel Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Focusing on analysis, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the scientific theoretical basis guiding the analytical process in phenomenological qualitative research. The students will be able to apply relevant analytical approaches and to make consistent and well-informed choices in relation to qualitative research.
Magnetic Resonance
ECTS: 3.6 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 02/04/2025 Course leader: Steffen Ringgaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of the course is to familiarize the student with the principles of magnetic resonance and its use in biomedical research.
Getting the most out of your PhD – a career perspective
Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 02/04/2025 Course leader: Vibeke Broe Status: Course is open for application
Short description
A PhD is a time to submerge into interesting research and exciting new contexts, but it is also a time to tend to your future career. Your PhD is a step towards your next job regardless of your professional background and your thoughts on career direction. This session will aim at encouraging you to build career management skills during your PhD: strengthen your knowledge and understanding of how adding a career perspective to your PhD is beneficial both for your professional development as a researcher and for ensuring that you have the skills, knowledge and experience necessary for your next career step, whatever that is.
Systematic Literature Search (Research-year)
ECTS: 0.7 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 03/04/2025 Course leader: Janne Lytoft Simonsen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
To make the research year students familiar with the most important medical databases, and enable them to perform qualified searches for relevant scholarly literature. Participants will be introduced to systematic literature searching as well as citation searching and reference management.
Research year: peer-feedback
ECTS: 0 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 04/04/2025 Course leader: Jasper Nijkamp Status: Course is open for application
Short description
This peer-feedback course is only available for research year students. The course is focused on academic and personal development throughout the research year. Students will be put in groups of 4-5 students for the entire year. The groups will meet 4 times, and in the meetings each student will give a short presentation (5-10 minutes) to the group, followed by 20 minutes for feedback. Each group will also have a fixed mentor for the year, who will be responsible for guiding the process during the meetings.
The Reflective Teacher
ECTS: 2.4 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 07/04/2025 Course leader: Peter Musaeus Status: Course is open for application
Short description
This course is relevant for all PhD students who wish to improve their teaching in the short or long-term with a view to student learning and the joys and benefits of being a reflective teacher. It is highly recommended, but not strictly required, that the participant has some previous experience with teaching.
This is a blended learning course in university teaching and learning that lays the foundation for reflective teachers at the PhD-level. It introduces the following topics: Constructive alignment, Student-centered teaching, Learning outcomes, Feedback, Reflective teaching logbooks. Activities include reading materials, watching videos, producing texts and models, participating in individual and group activities both in-class and out-of-class, developing lesson plans and teaching logbooks, as well as giving peer feedback. Completion of the course, receiving ECTS credit, and obtaining a diploma require active online participation, completion of all activities (including peer feedback and logbook), and adherence to activity deadlines.
Principles of Neural Organization
ECTS: 3.9 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 07/04/2025 Course leader: Sadegh Nabavi Status: Course is open for application
Short description
This course is interested in the following question: How can the brain be far smarter than a supercomputer yet consumes 100,000-fold less space and energy? Both brain and computer obey mathematical and physical laws and both deal with receiving, sending, processing, storing, and retrieving information.
Race, space and affect- critical inquires into processes of othering, racialization and non- belonging
ECTS: 2 Graduate school: Faculty of Arts Start date: 07/04/2025 Course leader: Iram Khawaja Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Molecular Immunology
ECTS: 2.7 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 08/04/2025 Course leader: Thomas Vorup-Jensen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The course aims to provide you with an idea about current methodologies, topics, and, not at least, principle investigators with research interests that could potentially help you on with your own project.
Graduate school: Faculty of Natural Sciences Start date: 08/04/2025 Course leader: Sututhi Perrananthasivam Status: Course is open for application
Short description
PhD-student as supervisor for undergraduate students – how and when?
ECTS: 2.2 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 09/04/2025 Course leader: Iris Maria Pedersen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
As a part of their teaching responsibilities, PhD-students sometimes act as co-supervisors for undergraduate students’ bachelor projects, written assignments, master thesis, or research year assignments. In doing so, the PhD-students play an important role as a near-peer-supervisor guiding the students in their learning. This course aims to prepare PhD-students for their role as co-supervisors on undergraduate students’ assignments and/or learning processes. The course is relevant for all PhD students who wish to improve the quality of their supervision of undergraduate students.
Ethical challenges and dilemmas in research with vulnerable and socially exposed groups in society F25
ECTS: 3 Graduate school: Faculty of Arts Start date: 09/04/2025 Course leader: Kirsten Elisa Petersen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Owning your PhD and your future - The road to completion and beyond
ECTS: 1 Graduate school: Faculty of Arts Start date: 09/04/2025 Course leader: Søren Smedegaard Bengtsen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Time and Project Management: Using the IPTO to Communicate with your Supervisors
ECTS: 1.4 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 11/04/2025 Course leader: Constance Kampf Status: Course is open for application
Short description
To create a framework for integrating project management tools into the interaction between supervisors and PhD students.
Causal Inference in Health Sciences
ECTS: 3.4 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 22/04/2025 Course leader: Cecilia Ramlau-Hansen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Introduce participants to the basic theory and practical usage of modern causal inference methods in the health sciences.
Host pathogen interactions – from basic microbiology and immunology to medicine
ECTS: 2.4 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 23/04/2025 Course leader: Trine Mogensen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
To provide a course on various aspects of human host-microbe interaction ranging from basic cell biology and microbiology (bacteriology, virology, genetics, molecular cell biology, immunology) to pathogenesis of infectious diseases and medicine.
PhD Writing Camp
ECTS: 1 Graduate school: Faculty of Technical Sciences Start date: 23/04/2025 Course leader: Antonios Petridis Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Historiography in Art, Literature and Culture: Methods and Problems
ECTS: 2 Graduate school: Faculty of Arts Start date: 25/04/2025 Course leader: Jakob Ladegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Forskningstræning modul I Aarhus
ECTS: 0 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 28/04/2025 Course leader: Ole Schmeltz Søgaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Det samlede 20-dages varende forskningsmodul i speciallægeuddannelsen har til formål at opøve kompetence til at opsøge, vurdere og udvikle ny viden samt anvende denne viden til kritisk vurdering samt evaluering af etableret praksis.
Advanced Flow Cytometry
ECTS: 2.8 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 28/04/2025 Course leader: Morten Nørgaard Andersen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The course provides detailed knowledge on flow cytometry, with a thorough review of the theoretical foundation necessary for performing state-of-the-art flow cytometry experiments, and includes extensive practical hands-on data analysis exercises covering the most important topics and pitfalls. Thus, the course provides the participant with a broad understanding of how to design multicolour flow cytometry experiments, how to handle sample material, and how to analyse and present flow cytometry data for publication.
Introduction to managing Research Data, FAIR principles, and Open Access
ECTS: 0.3 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 01/05/2025 Course leader: Anne Vils Møller Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Collecting, analyzing, storing and sharing data are central activities in research. Research Data Management (RDM) and FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) principles are thus becoming increasingly important, and researchers are often required by institutions and funders to prepare a data management plan. Open Access (OA) publishing is another aspect related to sharing research output, which implies that scholarly publications are distributed online, free of any access barriers.
Advanced Course in Written English - Online
ECTS: 2.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 02/05/2025 Course leader: Morten Pilegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this course is to train the students’ general and disciplinary writing ability to enhance successful disciplinary writing in conformity with contextual/situational, discoursal and genre- and text-type conventions and requirements of written academic English in health sciences.
Hemodynamics and assessment
ECTS: 3 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 05/05/2025 Course leader: Mads Dam Lyhne Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The overall aim is to give the participants understanding of cardiovascular physiology and methods of assessment. The course will provide the participants with the knowledge to choose the optimal methods for their individual research projects based on the methods’ strengths and weaknesses.
CAS PhD Writing retreat
ECTS: 3 Graduate school: Faculty of Arts Start date: 05/05/2025 Course leader: Jakob Bek-Thomsen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Basic Course in Written English - Online
ECTS: 2.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 05/05/2025 Course leader: Morten Pilegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this course is to impart knowledge about and give course participants an introduction to academic text production in English, applying textual and discourse strategies and methodologies in accordance with the current conventions of written academic English in health sciences.
Genome Engineering
ECTS: 3.8 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 05/05/2025 Course leader: Yonglun Luo Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of the course is to:
- Provide students with the state-of-the-art knowledge on genome engineering and CRISPR gene editing technology
- Introduce the different types of CRISPR gene editing tools (e.g., base editing, prime editing) and their applications
- Provide trainings on CRISPR designing with high on-target efficiency and low off-target
- Provide trainings on design CRISPR and donor vectors for gene knockin, tagging
- Introduce CRISPR data science, CRISPR AI, and high-throughput CRISPR computing
- Provide trainings on analysing and understanding CRISPR editing data with TIDE, ICE and NGS
- Provide theocratical trainings and education on CRISPR gene therapy
- Introducing state-of-the-art methods for CRISPR delivery
- Provide laboratory trainings on CRISPR-mediated gene knockout and knockin in cultured cell lines.
- Prepare PhD students with essential knowledge, tools and skills for their gene editing projects
Basic Course in Written English
ECTS: 2.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 06/05/2025 Course leader: Morten Pilegaard Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim of this course is to impart knowledge about and give course participants an introduction to academic text production in English, applying textual and discourse strategies and methodologies in accordance with the current conventions of written academic English in health sciences.
Literature search in medical databases (Language English)
ECTS: 0.7 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 06/05/2025 Course leader: Annette Balle Sørensen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
To make the participants familiar with the most important medical databases, and enable them to perform qualified searches for relevant scholarly literature. Furthermore, to make the participants aware of basic principles of research evaluation and different aspects related to research publication.
Investigator-initiated Clinical Trials and GCP
ECTS: 3.5 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 07/05/2025 Course leader: Birgitte Olrik Schlemmer Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The course covers the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and the roles of Sponsor, Investigator, Monitor, the ethics committee and the regulatory authorities.
Focus will be on the practical aspects on how to comply with the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and requirements in the national regulations in Denmark for Clinical trials with medicinal products.
GSNS Onboarding programme – workshop: Getting the most out of your PhD – a career perspective
ECTS: 0.25 Graduate school: Faculty of Natural Sciences Start date: 07/05/2025 Course leader: Sututhi Perrananthasivam Status: Course is open for application
Short description
A PhD is a time to submerge into interesting research and exciting new contexts, but it is also a time to tend to your future career. Your PhD is a step towards your next job regardless of your professional background and your thoughts on career direction. This session will aim at encouraging you to build career management skills during your PhD: strengthen your knowledge and understanding of how adding a career perspective to your PhD is beneficial both for your professional development as a researcher and for ensuring that you have the skills, knowledge and experience necessary for your next career step.
PhD Career day IKK 2025
Graduate school: Faculty of Arts Start date: 07/05/2025 Course leader: Mikkel Wallentin Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Forskningstræning modul I Aalborg
ECTS: 0 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 12/05/2025 Course leader: Peter Brønnum Nielsen Status: Course is open for application
Short description
Det samlede 20-dages varende forskningsmodul i speciallægeuddannelsen har til formål at opøve kompetence til at opsøge, vurdere og udvikle ny viden samt anvende denne viden til kritisk vurdering samt evaluering af etableret praksis.
How to Design, Conduct and Evaluate your PhD study to be Family-focused - Theory-driven Strategies and Clinical Excellence in Interprofessional Healthcare
ECTS: 2.6 Graduate school: Faculty of Health Start date: 12/05/2025 Course leader: Karin Piil Status: Course is open for application
Short description
The aim is to introduce, discuss and apply family-focused approaches, methods, and evaluations in health science research.
Welcome to the PhD Course Management
Please make sure to keep your contact email updated so we can send you course information.
For more information regarding specific faculty course rules and regulations, please visit the following websites:
Graduate School, Arts - PhD Course information
Graduate School Health – PhD Course information
Graduate School of Natural Sciences – PhD Course information
Scientific courses at Graduate School of Natural Sciences
Graduate School of Technical Sciences – PhD Course information
Scientific courses at Graduate School of Technical Sciences
Best regards,
PhD Administration
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