Course Mindfulness Training for PhD students

Course leader: Sututhi Perrananthasivam

Graduate school: Faculty of Natural Sciences

Status: Course is open for application

Semester: Fall 2024

Application deadline: 23/09/2024

Cancellation deadline: 23/09/2024

Start date: 07/10/2024

Administrator: Sututhi Perrananthasivam

Name of workshop:
Mindfulness training for PhD students 

Course parameters:
Language: English

Time of year: Fall 2024

No. of contact hours/hours in total incl. preparation: 4 

Capacity limit: 20 participants

Two workshops, each with a duration of 2 hours

First workshop: Focus on meditations to enhance focus, concentration, and body awareness.


  • Introduction to mindfulness, including fundamental attitudes in mindfulness training.
  • Training conscious presence through practical mindfulness exercises, such as body scanning, gentle yoga exercises, and seated meditations.
  • Homework training agreed upon for the time until the second session. Daily home training, lasting a minimum of 15 minutes, is tailored to each participant.

Second workshop: Continued focus on meditations to enhance focus, concentration, and body awareness. Introduction to compassion and insight meditations to clarify personal motives and values and increase compassion for oneself and others.


  • Introduction to compassion and insight meditations.
  • Follow-up on homework.
  • Training conscious presence and compassion through practical mindfulness exercises, including insight meditation, compassion meditation, gentle yoga exercises, body scanning, and meditation on the breath.
  • Review of the two sessions and discussion on how participants can integrate mindfulness into their daily lives.

The teaching will take place in groups of 10-20 participants, alternating between meditation exercises, gentle yoga, participant sharing, and instruction in the theoretical and philosophical background of mindfulness.

Name of lecturer:
Lykke Elisabeth Ramsdal 

Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C, the Conference Center, building 1420, room 218

Deadline for registration: Monday, 23 September 2024

Please note that seats are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

For questions relating to the content of the workshop, please contact:

- Lykke Elisabeth Ramsdal, 

For questions relating to administrative issues, e.g. registration or location, please contact:

- PhD partner Sututhi Perrananthasivam,

- PhD partner Mathilde Skarum-Johnsen,

Course dates:

  • 07 October 2024 09:00 - 11:00
  • 21 October 2024 09:00 - 11:00