Course Fill up your toolbox for future commercial research collaboration

ECTS: 1.6

Language: English

Graduate school: Faculty of Health

Course fee: 1,920.00 DKK

Status: Course is open for application

Semester: Spring 2025

Application deadline: 16/10/2024

Cancellation deadline: 30/10/2024

Course type: Classroom teaching

Start date: 15/01/2025

Administrator: Annika Haarbye Jensen

This workshop includes a pitch session at Health PhD Day, January 17, 2025

All workshop participants will do a team pitch at Health PhD Day to conclude the workshop.

For Health PhD students

Health PhD students participating in this PhD workshop with a final pitch at PhD Day will not be asked to submit an abstract and do an individual presentation or act as co-chair at that same PhD Day. Your workshop pitch will count as one of the two active participations in PhD Day during your PhD enrolment,

You do not need to register for the PhD Day separately when you are signed up for this workshop.

Limited seats and participation

Sign up for this workshop is at a 'first come, first served' basis.

It is only possible to participate in the workshop once.

The workshop Fill up your toolbox for future commercial research collaboration is being offered by the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University, 2025.

Criteria for participation: All PhD, Master (including research year students at Faculty of Health, AU) and Bachelor students enrolled at Aarhus University regardless of discipline/faculty. No prior innovation experience is needed.

Learning outcomes: By completion of the workshop, you have trained how to…

  • network, co-create and collaborate in an interdisciplinary team
  • generate and validate good ideas from a user-oriented perspective to identify whether they have the potential to become a viable business
  • deliver a convincing and powerful pitch

On top of that, you….

  • have networked with people from the health care industry
  • got inspired by an AU spin-out company and the ‘road to success’ or road ahead
  • met a diverse team of teachers and had fun together with your peers!

Workload: The full workload of the course is expected to be 16 hours

Content: How do you create an impact on today's disease care and management?

At this workshop, you will learn about your professional role in an interdisciplinary and multi-skilled team. You will explore your collaborative and commercial skills, and as a team you will co-create a business idea that will solve a real-life medical problem faced by Roche – one of the world's largest biotech companies.
You will get to understand the minds of business development in the medical area, and you will learn a range of methods to generate valid business ideas from a user-oriented perspective. Also, you will learn how to deliver a strong pitch – which will be applied when you pitch your business idea. The pitch will be given at Health PhD Day during the first session.

There will be inspirational speakers – either entrepreneurs, AU spin-outs or former PhD students – who will give you an idea of the entrepreneurial journey and what it’s like to run a research-based company. Also, they will inspire you to think outside academia when pursuing a career after your degree and how to best apply your professional skills. 

All of the above is facilitated by a skilled and diverse team of teachers that will ensure a fun workshop! 

Learn more about the workshop: PhD workshop: Fill Up Your Toolbox for Future Commercial Research Collaborations (

Instructors: Ida Grønborg, Co-founder of Cacta ApS and Biomedical Designer, Pernille Kølbæk, Senior Teaching Fellow at the Biomedical Design Fellowship Programme (Dept. of Clinical Medicine, AU). Meet the team.

Time and venue: 15 – 16 January 2025 at 9:00-16:00 (workshop) + 17 January 2025 (2 hrs) (Health PhD Day – pitch session). The workshop takes place in Stakladen, AU Conference Center, Aarhus University, Aarhus (other).

Participation in the workshop is without cost for:

Course dates:

  • 15 January 2025 09:00 - 16:00
  • 16 January 2025 09:00 - 16:00
  • 17 January 2025 10:50 - 13:00