Course Preparing for Career Transitions

Course leader: Vibeke Broe

Language: English

Graduate school: Faculty of Health

Status: Course is finished

Semester: Spring 2024

Application deadline: 02/04/2024

Cancellation deadline: 16/04/2024

Course type: Classroom teaching

Start date: 30/04/2024

Administrator: Johanne Gregor Højgaard

Career workshop

This career workshop is for students who are half-way through their phd-project and have been enrolled for about 18 month.

The course A1005/03, Preparing for Career transitions is being offered by the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University, 2024.

Criteria for participation: PhD students enrolled at Graduate School Health who are half-way through their phd-project and have been enrolled for about 18 month.

Requirements for participation: being around half-way or in the end of their PhD

Aim: To encourage PhD students to begin preparing for their next career step.

Learning outcomes: 

  • Know how you can set direction for your future work life during your PhD
  • Know how to explore your options
  • Understand the factors that should influence your career decision process
  • Remember that you should take control of your own career planning and development

Workload: The full workload of the course is expected to be 3 hours


Half-way in your PhD, you now know what being a PhD student really is about. It is also a turning point where questions such as “what options do I have”, “how can I make the most of my doctoral degree” and  “how do I make a sensible choice for my future career “ may start to pop up and cause both excitement and concern. This workshop aims at giving you the tools to answer those questions and to support you in being able to make an informed choice for the next step in your career. In the workshop, you will consider 1. your professional development so far and whether there competences you would like to improve during your part b, and 2. How you can start preparing for the transition by building your network, understanding your options and increasing your awareness of what a “good” job/work life is to you.

Instructors: Vibeke Broe, Miriam V.Kobbersmed, AU Career PhD & JR 

Venue: Aarhus University, Aarhus (other)

Participation in the course is without cost for:

  • PhD students enrolled at Graduate School Health

Course dates:

  • 30 April 2024 09:00 - 12:00